Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Activia: Conquering Entitlement and Improving Your Life

Do you ever think about how entitled we can be some times?  Like, to almost an appalling degree. We can become pretty egregious with our incessant belief that things are owed to us. As in, we should be afforded all of our wishes rather than earn them. It's human nature, I suppose.

On that note, I'd like to discuss something that I believe is probably overt but may often fail to recognize.  It is always nice to be reminded of certain things every once in a while.  I mean, the brain carries so much information its bound to store some away in the deep corners, which can leave us in the dark.

Importantly, I want to talk about being active in your life rather than taking a passive approach.  "But Robert, not everyone has that type of personality!" Yes, I know, not everyone likes to take the active role. Some people are totally fine riding in the passenger seat.  Some people are just more naturally vocal and evocative while others prefer relative anonymity.  I've seen and I know plenty of people who fall within the spectrum.   I'm not talking necessarily about personality types, though.  This post is intended for everyone--myself included.

I'd venture to guess that at least once you've heard someone described as a "go-getter."  Honestly, I think my people could use an injection of such an attitude.  Many times, we want things but don't want to work for things.  This notion brings back the sense of entitlement we exhibit. Let's face it, having things fall into your lap is much easier and less strenuous than working towards something.  Some people are lucky and afforded a position in life where things fall into place.  Some people are born into a wealth of resources and have their lives mapped out for them.  Luck strikes; however, luck strikes (more often) the prepared.

Allow me to throw out a trite example to help paint the big picture: Steve Jobs.  Steve Jobs had a vision for his life; he had a vision for where he wanted his life to go as well as where he didn't want his life to go.  Not only did he have a vision, but he took an active approach to fulfilling that vision.  He didn't wait for the opportunity to arise, he grabbed the opportunity by the balls and said, "You're mine."  He helped create Apple, the wildly successful company that has turned customers into cult members.  What's particularly interesting about Jobs is his journey.  Fun fact: At one point in his career, Jobs was actually fired from Apple. That's right, the founder of the company was not seen as "fit" for the vision of board members.  Instead of sulking, what did Jobs do? Oh, nothing too huge, he just helped establish Pixar.  Yes Pixar, one of the best known CGI animator and Motion Picture studios.  No. Big. Deal. Oh wait, very big deal.  Again, life threw him for a loop but he took an active approach.  Eventually, Apple realized their mistakes and took Jobs back, which lead to their current monumental success.

People are blessed with a variety of personality traits.  While we may share some traits, we differ from each other person in some way, shape, or form.  While you may not be a vocal person, I believe you (everyone) should be an active person.  Life isn't going to miraculously hand you its riches. Okay, it may, but even lottery winners have to buy tickets.  We need to step aside from the entitlement and step towards this active approach.

If you want to better your health, make lifestyle changes, eat better, exercise more.  If you want to learn a new language, take classes, get materials, etc.  If you want to change your career, find the best way to do so. Granted, you will fail, you won't always get the results you hoped for, and sometimes it will be tough to stay motivated; however, you stand a much better chance at attaining your goals by working for them rather than waiting.

The key is to DO. Consistently make the conscientious choice that "this is my life and I will determine the path it takes."  Stop waiting.  The problem is we too often want to wait until tomorrow.  Unfortunately, TOMORROW NEVER COMES. Tomorrow is always the next day, if you think about it.  It reminds me of an anonymous quote that I can never seem to get out of my head: "Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday."  Tomorrow is a fickle domino waiting to tumble into a time vacuum that becomes a month, a year, a decade, etc. What we have is today. Here and now.

Honestly, knowing that you take the reigns of your is just so fulfilling too.  Let me give you a quick, silly example.  The other day, I was thinking about how frustrating it was that I keep losing my workouts.  So, I decided to gather all of the pieces of papers with workouts I've accrued and kept and entered them into a spreadsheet. I now have the peace of mind that I won't lose them.  It's trivial in the grand scheme of things but I took the active approach to preserve something important to me. Deep breath now.

I get it; we all need down time and time to take a blase approach with life.  It's just that life is so precious and volatile, it is hard to determine the extent in which we will have it.  Don't you want to make it the best life possible? Don't you want to make the best you possible?  Life's hourglass is slowly filling with sand, it isn't waiting for you. Why should you wait for it?  Maybe you're happy with where you stand and where you're at. If so, congratulations.  I'm just saying, don't sit here and complain that something is owed to you.  Life owes you nothing.  Instead, it's time we grab what we want.  I know I need to remind myself that sometimes because I often get caught in the current of complacency.  I want more out of my life and know I need to get it myself.  People can't hold your hand forever.  It's time we actively pursue our dreams and desires.  Look at the people who have.  Many successful individuals got to their enviable positions through hard work, consistency, and dedication.  They played active roles in their lives.  Yes, some people were given fortuitous or providential hands upon birth, but at the end of the day it's what you do with your hand that determines your ultimate outcome.

I believe you have the power to positively change your life.  It's time you start believe too.  Your better tomorrow starts today.

1 comment:

  1. Great work! This message came right on time, thanks Robert.
